Friday 29 July 2011

Activity 8: Answerboards and Social Searching

I have come across sites such as or Yahoo!7Answers before. I must admit I haven't really used these sites, as I have always wondered about the accuracy of the answers. I have seen answers posted with terrible grammar/spelling etc. Anyhow.....I did sign up with Yahoo, and I answered one question about piano playing. I have done grade 7 AMEB Pianoforte exams, so think I had something of value to say in my answer. I had never contemplated answering a question on an Answerboard before.
I think the idea of librarians 'slamming the boards' is great. Am not so sure about the title 'slamming the boards' though. Is it referring to teachers slamming the black board in times gone by, as they tried to get their message across? If so, I think a less authoritarian title would be better. As a way to promote the services of reference librarians, it is great. I've never asked a question on an Answerboard though.

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