Friday 5 August 2011

Activity 12: Social Networking

Mmmmmm. I've just spent another frustrating 45 minutes trying to find a library in Second Life. Yes...I am really useless at it, and have given up for the second time. I did sign up and get myself an avatar, but really,...I will have to get my teenage son to help me. And I have been going so well with this techhy stuff up till now. However, I have learned some things. Second Life is huge, and I will definitely return to it to explore some of the 'real' destinations.
Facebook: I did have a facebook account some time ago, but gave it up. I think it's rather wonderful for our younger generations to be able to socialize with eachother in such a fun and effective way. My three oldest have all moved away from home to persue careers, and facebook helps them keep in contact with all their old friends (and their new ones as well). Facebook for libraries: Facebook builds relationships (and these relationships become viral when patrons spread the word about the library with their friends),helps the library create its own personal brand, facilitates patron interaction which allows the library to gain insight from its customers (in an easier manner than via focus groups or surveys), facilitates display of flickr photos, can host an RSS feed from the library website, can host youtube videos of library orientation (or any youtube video)....Facebook creates community.

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